Wednesday, November 22, 2006

When War Meets Video Games

Journal #2

With the dawning of next generation gaming, war games and shooters have come a long way from Duck Hunt. Modern day graphics are simply stunning; war games are becoming more and more realistic yet still be interesting. There are games like Call of Duty series, which occurs in World War II and involves actual battles that were fought. But setting graphics and realism aside, the main reason why somone should like a game is for its gameplay. As a gamer, I've had my share of shooters in the past and I've got to admit: war games are a hell load of fun. It's the thrill of dominating yor opponents which attracts gamers to these games; and with the integration of the internet in modern-day gaming, gamers can take the fight to the internet and play alongside with friends or play gamers that live thousands of miles away.

Realism in a game means how smoothly the gameplay flows; if the game doesn't flow, then a gamer might lose intrest in playing. Sure, it'd be amazing to play war games which are realistic as possible, but I personally don't mind if there's a glitch here and there. As long as the gameplay isn't ridiculous then I can deal (I'm not a really picky guy, but some gamers out there completely refuse to touch games which aren't the most realistic out there).

But anyways-
The key word in war games is the word "game", but more importantly, the word "simulation".

  1. Close resemblance or imitation.
  2. Assumption of a false appearance.
(Source: "simulation." The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary. Houghton Mifflin Company. 22 Nov. 2006.>)

War games are merely a simulation of war and fighting so we know better than to take them seriously. Aren't war games made so people can have fun, not to reveal the terrifying horrors of actual fighting? I acknoledge the fact that even though they're just games, they can be a negative influence on the little kids who play them and the teenagers who take games a little too seriously and have nothing else better to do with their lives. I doubt that anyone could develop a game in our day and age which really captures what it's really like to be fighting a war anyways.

Look, it's just a game. Games are fun to play.


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